For the latest on Adobe Press books, go to To report errors, please send a note to. Adobe Press is an imprint of Pearson Education, Inc. The official training workbook from AdobeĪdobe InDesign CC Classroom in a Book® (2018 release) © 2018 Adobe. Testing your form in Adobe Acrobat ReaderĬreating a new document for fixed-layout exportĪdding multimedia and interactive elements Printing a proof and saving a print presetġ4 CREATING ADOBE PDF FILES WITH FORM FIELDS Importing and adjusting Illustrator files that use transparencyĬreating a Press-Ready PDF and saving a PDF preset Importing and colorizing a grayscale imageĪdding transparency effects to imported vector and bitmap graphics Using an InDesign library to manage objects Nesting character styles inside paragraph stylesĬreating and applying table and cell styles Working with fonts, type styles, and glyphs Printing to the edge of the paper: using the bleed guidesĪdding metadata captions to graphics frames Overriding master page items and placing text and graphics Switching between open InDesign documents Viewing the document in Presentation modeģ SETTING UP A DOCUMENT AND WORKING WITH PAGESĬreating and saving custom document settings Saving and restoring the InDesign Defaults file